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Day 10: Master Bedroom, for Now

This week, I've been posting pictures I consider to be the true "befores" of the situation: the organized blank slates in the kitchen and Lou's room that we can go to town on, form-wise, over the next couple months. Today is no exception: it's time for a dose of sanity in our room.

Master Bedroom, Before

So here's what we're working with now. You might remember the "beforest" of the before pictures, the preamble, if you will, from Day 1; now we're working with a cleared floor, a made bed, one working bedside lamp, and the general palette I'll be going for...maybe. I love the gray and white, and I was super excited about the bed coverings, both scored on discounts at Anthropologie, but now it seems a little too airy and stark for the season. I may layer up with warmer tones for winter. Yes, I actually change my bedroom decor based on the temperature, and it makes me happy. I already have some art picked out - you can see one print leaning against the wall - and I'd like to have plenty of gold or brass. You know, to class things up.

The TV won't stay - it's just here to keep me company while the living room is still in shambles and Bret is in Beijing - but the chair and side table probably will. I love the idea of a bedroom that has room for a little seating area and still doesn't feel overcrowded. The luxury! In fact, this photo makes it all seem a bit more close-quarters than it is. It feels plenty spacious.

Sorry for all the shadows in the photos; I've definitely been regarding these pics as "befores" and snapping quick shots. But all for the better afters, right?

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you tomorrow.