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Day 2: Some Perspective

Good afternoon! Though I'm committed to posting as we unshamblify our lives, they may stay a bit toward the afternoon side of the day for the foreseeable future. I appreciate your sticking with it.

Today, Day 2 of the great move, has seen a little progress, which I'll share tomorrow. But it's been good to take a step back and just try to relax about settling in. Sure, it'd be nice to know where every last thing was, but it wasn't possible to stay super organized with this move, and I have to treat the search process as one of discovery, not frustration.

So, as I work toward a more zen-like approach to emptying boxes, I thought I'd put together a little floor plan to help you visualize the space. You've seen the rooms themselves, but the layout is interesting, so I tried my hand at recreating it for you.

I used FloorPlanner, which you can use for free, but I upgraded to a Plus membership so I could easily share this image with you, and create more than one project at a time. I'm not particularly adept at the ole' computer, but I find the program pretty intuitive. If you're working on a project where spacial planning would be helpful, I recommend giving this a shot.

Anyway, that's our apartment! It's not a super perfect replica, but it's pretty close. The main room is large and shares living and dining functions, and closets line both the entry wall and the final wall of the apartment (that's what all those doors to nowhere in the wall represent). There's a little extra sliver of hallway preceding the bathroom that I hope to make great use out of.

Of course, the furniture layout is the current plan, but I'm always apt to change my mind. There's presumably a lot of time between now and when there's enough floor space to actually arrange furniture; who knows what harebrained schemes I'll cook up in the meantime.

So that's the plan, Stans. Lemme know if you have any questions, and see you tomorrow!