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Table for Two

New table. And a sneak peek at some more shenanigans in here.

A Poem

‘Twas a typical Monday

And all through the house,

Louisa was moping

For she did not like her blouse


But with Wes in the carrier and Lou in a hat

We all started out for school and a nap


Then, while on toward the laundromat

Where our clothes we would launder

My thoughts kept on turning toward a small problem to ponder


From out of Lou’s room there’d arisen a chatter

We’d moved in a new table to address a small matter

The new bigger table was for art, and Sweet Lou’s

But we’d had the table on hand – it wasn’t quite what I’d choose


The big table bothered me;

Its dimensions weren’t right

It took up too much space

In the room - and my mind

And I’d seen smaller options

At an Ikea sojourn

But couldn’t justify the money

On such a minor concern


Then what to my wondering eyes should appear?!?

But a miniature table

Someone no longer held dear

Above Wes’ and my heads

I held it aloft

And bore it for home

(Nothing was dropped)

Then I snapped a few photos of the new table

And grabbed my laptop to record this here fable

And though the change may seem small

At least that’s what I fear

In person the difference is really quite clear!


As we headed back to the laundromat (it’s cloth diapering day)

I thought how I love Brooklyn, this magical place

Such generous neighbors – with their crap they’re so kind!

Happy trash picking to all and to all a good find!