Welcome Wes-a-ley!
Hey! Remember last week when I said I'd see you Monday, barring any big arrivals? Well, we had one very tiny arrival (6 pounds, 14 ounces, to be exact) and we missed our Monday rendevous. Sorry, and thanks for checking in!
Like generations before me, by the time we got to Wes' arrival, I was pretty sure I was going to be the world's first perpetually pregnant lady, and no baby was ever going to come. But once we made plans with my mom and sister to come Saturday, I realized that of course Wes would make his debut Friday...which he did. He was born at 3:11 am on May 9, and has been the object of intense focus ever since.
Big sister Lou has been amazing. She's such a little fan, and so helpful. Yesterday, we realized she had a cold and said she couldn't hold Wesley. Tears. Lots of heartbroken tears. She really means it - she loves him. Not to say that the rest of us aren't getting a dose of four-year-old resentment, 'cause we are, but I'll take it. It's Lou who adds the extra "a" sound to Wesley's name - even going so far as to correct a woman in my mom's group yesterday that it's Wes-a-ley, not Wesley.
We'll let her win this round. Wes-a-ley is pretty adorable.
He's waking up as we speak, so I'll say my goodbyes and wish you a happy weekend. I have every intention of being back next week so check in on Monday! Thanks as always for reading.