WFD Fridge Cleaning Series: Artichoke Bennies

by Samantha James

I stole the term "benny" from an old (first run) Domino recipe  to describe this vaguely Benedict-like concoction.

Easy & Posh Artichoke Benedictines

Easy & Posh Artichoke Benedictines

Last week, a number of events conspired that resulted in this creation. First, I had a car. My in-laws very generously loaned us their car while they were on vacation, so I decided to make a trip to Trader Joe's. I never go to Trader Joe's - I have a grocery store 46 steps away, so schlepping home melting ice cream on the bus just never wins out, no matter how good the deals.

Second, by the time I found parking and unloaded a sleeping Lou, I was starving. That never makes for good grocery shopping. List? What list?

Then, I was only able to secure 26 minutes on my meter. 26 minutes in Trader Joe's? I was like a contestant on a depraved reality show where they're given $30 and 4 minutes feed 500 wedding guests, running through aisles and throwing things into Lou's (still sleeping) lap.

This little jar of Artichoke Antipasto landed in there. They call it "Antipasto," but it's like a tapenade.

(This is not my photo. We ate it all, so this is someone else's helpful shot).

The fourth event was an impromptu date night that same night, during which we met up with friends and Bret and I may have had a bit too much to drink, completely unexpectedly. Full disclosure: this was Monday.

So then came Tuesday. Bret was calling from work talking about needing a nap and I was raiding our fridge. Of course, given the conditions of my trip, what I actually brought home from TJ's included little more than 4 Ritter Sports, a loaf of bread and this darn jar of artichoke spread. I never even buy stuff like that, so when I saw it in the fridge it was like the clouds parted and angels started singing about hangover-relieving egg dishes. You can recreate the scene.

Fridge Cleaning Series: Artichoke Bennies

1. Prepare your eggs, anyway you like them. I (slightly over) fried mine, but poaching or baking would be delightful as well.

2. While your eggs are going, slice a tomato and salt and pepper. Place face down in a med-hot skillet with a bit of oil.

3. Toast or grill your bread (I used sour dough). You could also rub it with a garlic clove. Yum. Then spread on your tapenade, as thick as you please.

4. When your eggs and tomatoes are done, top your toast. If you're feeling fancy, add some grated Asiago, or some fresh chopped herbs. I'm guessing dill and flat-leaf parsley would both be great.

5. Serve with a side salad and depending on how you're feeling, some Prosecco.

Pretty easy, right? Though it came together from scrounging the fridge, I would absolutely serve this to guests for brunch, or to the fam for dinner, or any other occasion. I may try to make my own artichoke spread just for kicks, as the stuff in the jar was good but not great.

What edible creations have you cobbled together from the depths of your produce drawer?

Thanks for stopping by!