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Goings On About the House

Hi there. So, a quick note today to let you know that things are just nuts around here. I seem to go through phases, where things are perfectly reasonable, and then, all of a sudden, they aren't. To some extent, this coincides with the seasons - I talked about how putting some pumpkins on my dining table inspired a full decor change in the family room - and our hall entry, while fine for summer, now really, really needs some attention. So I'm working on a ton of projects at once. Wanna peek?

First, those curtains, above. Got them at Ikea the other day for $10/pair. So it's not like it was a huge investment, but guys, I hate them. I feel like it makes this room so dark. On the other hand, it's kind of a dark day. Also, we are getting a new rug - this one.

I anticipate this will be cushier than our current one, and also lighten things up in here...and which point maybe I won't hate the curtains so much? What say you? Am I being overly dramatic? Can you even see the difference? Let's do a side-by-side:

Like I said, it's a dark day. We'll hold the jury till we have a new rug, but I'm thinking x-nay on the new urtains-cay.

Next up, a much needed, highly important kitchen makeover.

Yes, that would be Lou's kitchen. I'm learning to tile! More on that very soon.

And we're selling these two items:

Whoops. You can kinda only see one. But the little table is out -you know it was replaced on Monday when I found a better-sized one. While it's out here, and Lou's kitchen is out here because I'm working on it, Lou's still using it to throw elaborate feasts. This feast includes the delicacy of roasted walrus. No, really. She's such a little sadist. That's Westley's fave toy, and she gleefully boiled it and set it out to eat. With a side of toast, natch. Anyone in the market for a Land of Nod kids' play table? Behind it is a trunk I really love but we really don't have space for it. 

We got a new high chair:

Make that two. So, I bought the one that's not the restaurant high chair. It's awesome, and West sits in it while I cook dinner, and sucks on chunks of frozen fruit (from little mesh baggies). I then move it to the dining table for actual dinner. But I also wanted something that I could stick him in as we're preparing to leave, while I get shoes on Lou and myself and strap on the baby carrier, that sort of thing. So when I walked by the other one that someone had put out on the curb, I hoisted it up and brought it home. As you do. I'm still working out the perfect spot for it, and he's still a tiny bit wee for it, but I'm pretty happy to have another spot to put him, that's not laying him down on the disgusting hall carpet.

And finally, the entryway.

We got a new bench (really an Ikea TV stand I've had my eye on for months, because the dimensions are perfect), and I've rounded up the stuff I'm going to need in here - mirror, place for mail, hooks. Now I just need to hurry up and get the wall treatment I've been dreaming of on the darned walls so I can get everything else up. We're a bit desperate for some function in here. So, while W naps, I'm off to paint that wall.