If you're underwhelmed by this photo of Oreo banana magic, I can't blame you. But all the better to overwhelm you when you try it.
When it comes to cooking, I am dependent upon my food processor. My mom, who doesn't own one, doesn't understand my need for it, but it's a rare meal that the processor doesn't help along. There are so many things that are a snap to make with a food processor - salsa, hummus, dressings, veggie burgers - that are a pain without one.
But most critically, without food processors or blenders, there would be no banana magic. And I can't imagine a world without banana magic.
Making Banana Magic in a food processor. Fantastic view of the kitchen mid dinner prep, no?
You may have heard of banana magic on Pinterest or through 24 Foods that Will Change Your Life Which Only a 90s Kid Can Understand -- but maybe you've seen it as banana ice cream, or perhaps banana swirl.
Both are misnomers, as neither accurately captures the amazing essence of banana swirl. That essence being, namely, magic.
Trust me that banana magic actually may change your life. Because it's magic. As you process the frozen bananas, they stop being frozen bananas and turn into an amazing frozen sweet creamy treat with all the calories (few) and nutrients (potassium is good) of a gosh darn banana. And it's a rare thing that isn't made better by Oreos (no glowing reviews of calories and nutrition, though I believe they are vegan), so you're welcome. And, there are like, four more ways to eat banana magic below.
Do This:
Peel and slice several very ripe bananas and spread the bananas out on a cookie sheet. It is important that the bananas are fairly ripe, because the sweeter the better and the less overwhelming the banana flavor will be. Absolutely no green, and pretty spotty is fine. (I am constantly freezing bananas we don't get to in time for smoothies and banana magic).
Freeze for at least two hours, then transfer to a storage container until you're ready to use.
At that point, add a cup of frozen sliced bananas to your food processor, along with 1-2 tablespoons of any kind of "milk:" dairy, almond, soy, coconut. What have you. The liquid isn't strictly necessary, but it speeds and aids the magical process. It's sort of like saying abba cadabra.
Just keep processing until you don't recognize the stuff in the processor as bananas -- it will get crazy creamy. You'll know it when you see it.
You can enjoy this as-is. It's delicious (and I'm not crazy about bananas in general). Or, you can add one teaspoon unsweetened cocoa before processing. Once the creaminess develops, add in 4 roughly chopped Oreos. Garnish with more Oreos. Eat. Enjoy.
Yum Yum Banana Magic with Oreos.
But wait! There's more! Other fun ways to enjoy banana magic:
- Process your bananas with 1-2 tablespoons coconut milk and top with shredded coconut and shredded dried mango
- Process your bananas with 1-2 tablespoons peanut butter and top with a drizzle of honey
- Process your bananas with 1-2 tablespoons almond butter and 1 tablespoon almond milk and top with chopped or slivered almonds
- Process your bananas 1-2 tablespoons peanut butter, 1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa, and a few chocolate chips.
Seriously, enjoy. And sure, this may not seem like "dinner," but we believe that dinner is in the eye of the beholder. If you're dreaming up awesome banana magic concoctions, please let us know in the comments!