Friday Love{s}: Birthday Parties

by Samantha James

Hey guys! I am up to my ears in birthday cake over here. Someone requested a very special cake for her 4th birthday, so I'm keeping it short and sweet today. This post, not the cake. The cake is tall and sweet. Care to guess the theme -

- and the attending cake?

Empire State Building Cake

So it might be easier to guess the theme. Yeah, it's I Love/Heart (depending on your regional pronunciation of a heart symbol) NY. This was Lou's original request, and I was, although pleased that my daughter is so cool, nonetheless taken aback, because I'd just assumed we'd be reenacting dramatic scenes from Frozen and playing pin the nose on the snowman. She did end going back and forth between the two themes, actually, and we landed on NY Love, with tiaras for the guests. And the cake? Guess you'll have to check back in on Monday to see! And find out why I died some the appealing color of mold! The party's tomorrow. THIRTY-TWO people are coming, including 17 kids. I just did not realize how much more popular Lou was than, say, Bret and I are, and how much higher of a percentage of invites would actually come. Wish me luck as I arrange juice boxes, learn what a crumb coat is, and wrap presents.

Oh! And guess what finally came: My brick wallpaper sample.

Brick wallpaper sample

Brick wallpaper sample

Look how small it is! I paid $5 for that! But it is suuuuuuper cool. I love it in person. What say you guys? Should I get this or try to stencil myself?

That's it from me. I have garland to hang. Have an awesome weekend and I'll be back with lots of party details Monday.