Use a window screen and a skirt hanger to store your post earrings.
What's up, friends? If you, like me, share an affinity for sparkly things, I offer today a post for you. All around the internet, you can see clever solutions for organizing baubles, but there seems to be a dearth of systems for organizing a particular type of adornment: post earrings.
Post Earring and Brooch Organization
I for one, struggled for a decent setup, long after I'd completed the rest of my jewelry organization, which you can catch a glimpse of in the above photos. At a loss for how to store them on the inside of my closet doors, where I was stashing (most) everything else, I'd put them into a pretty container on my nightstand/dresser with some other overflow jewels.
That beautiful round box beneath my lamp held all my post danglies, plus some brooches. (Yeah, I plan to single-handedly bring brooches back). The problem is maybe obvious? What you don't see, you don't wear. And what you don't see and stack a lamp on top of, you'll promptly forget. I'm on a mission to make everything available and accessible - otherwise, what's the point - and these were neither. So, once I had decided that the inside of my closet door was the place for jewelry, I started thinking about how to include these items in that system. I thought about it for a while.
Like, months. And I kept thinking that if I had some sort of screen-like object, I could poke the posts through and secure with the earring backs. But the screen needed to be easily removable, right? Not attached to the door, or how would I easily remove and replace the earrings and broooches? This was an endless internal discussion. Because I have absolutely nothing better to think about. But also because I was sure there was an easy solution. So sure that I went out and bought a screen. The cheapest and easiest way to do that, that I could think of, was to buy one of those temporary window screens that just sits between your window and the sill. Once I had that, I waited for the light bulb to turn on.
For weeks.
And finally -- it did. If I could just hang the screen...with some type of hanging device...on something like a hook...
Is it still genius if it takes six months to come up with? Anyway, once this all occurred to me, it only took several more weeks to get around to the execution. And the execution itself was maybe 30 minutes tops, including the actual putting on of the jewelry, so if you're in the market for something like this, rest assured it's no big deal. Here's what I did, with pictures.
1. I ripped the screen out of its frame, because it was too big in the frame for my wee closet door. If you can fit it, I recommend keeping the frame and maybe just ripping the screen into two pieces. The beauty of the discount store, BTW, in this instance, is that it took approximately no strength to rip the screen apart. Also that it cost $5.
2. I hung the screen up with a skirt hanger on a hook.
3. Realizing it was still too big, I decided to fold it in half rather than cut it. But cutting it would work well, too, and (maybe again because it's cheap?) regular scissors worked fine on mine. No need for wire cutters or anything fancy.
4. Realizing that I had all these scraggly pieces at the edges, I got out my Duck Tape and taped the top edges. Because it's all in the DIY details.
5. Then I put the earrings and brooches on...
6. Ta-Dah! (Or, as Louisa perplexingly says, Tooo-Dah!).
The beauty of this is that I can take the whole thing down to get jewelry on and off, making the process pretty easy. The other, bigger beauty: I now see what I have. And seeing is believing, or at least wearing. Especially because, as you can see, these are all my Very Fanciest Things. It's way too easy to reach for my old standby's every day, and sometimes a mama needs a little bling. To complement the milk stains. This makes it just a tad easier that I'll actually reach for some.
So, that's part of my jewelry organization. I'll have the whole shebang for you next week. In the meantime, happy hump day! Does anyone else hate that expression with the same fury I do? Okay, peace out!