This is our third Friday Love{s} Cheap Art post, which makes it the third Friday in August, which is like whoa. This month flies by, every year. Anyhoosie, we've already discussed the wonders of gift bags and gift wrap as seriously inexpensive art. This week we wander into the party aisle - and what do our eyes behold? Lots and lots of cheap art possibilities.
1. Paper lanterns as decor are just a win. We used a paper lantern to make a hot air balloon for Lou's room:
Friday Love{s} Cheap Art: Use Paper Lanterns as Decor
And people do really beautiful things with these often very inexpensive little orbs. Check out Story's nursery, and this grown up canopy bed on Apartment Therapy.
2. Garlands/Banners. Another classic party store find: garlands. They. Are. Everywhere. And our home is no exception. One of the first things we did in Lou's room was hang a little garland we fashioned out of a pack of paper from Target's $1 section, and I still think it makes an otherwise weird corner completely charming. You can make your own with some string, some paper and some tape/staples/glue, or you can buy them, ready-made, in increasingly cute designs. Spritz (Target's party line) has some really cute little numbers going on right now. And search Etsy for some homemade options like this, and your space will be instantly celebratory - all the time.
Friday Love{s} Cheap Art: Use a Party Banner for Everyday Whimsy
3. Random Party Gear. Finally, you may remember the 3D numbers I used to commemorate our anniversary date from our Jonathan Adler-inspired bedroom design. The numbers came from a little party kit I picked up at Target. They're now a permanent installation, chilling off-center in an empty picture frame. It's one of my favorite things we've got going on right now, actually.
Friday Love{s} Cheap Art: Use Paper Party Numbers to Remember as Special Date or Number
If it's not already clear, I like a little whimsy kitsch in my home, and the party supply aisle's got a ton of it. Plus, I can't come up with a single good reason not bring the vibe of a celebration into your everyday life. Check out the party aisle, and specialty lines for weddings and showers for some seriously beautiful stuff. Even as I write this, I'm thinking of a banner I've had for ever that says "Eat more cake." If that doesn't belong in my kitchen every day, what does?
Have you ever used party decor in your normal life? Do tell. Thanks for stopping by this Friday, have an awesome weekend, and we'll see you next week!