DIY toilet paper holder from repurposed ladder
I know we took a long break, but you probably remember how I love to show off my toilet. Toilet shots here. Toilet shots there. And it's not like I have any particularly impressive plumbing setups, so it's not clear why our commode is such a commanding presence on the blog. I suppose, even in cramped circumstances, toilets are necessary. More than that: they're great! As Bret noted while watching a character become ill on TV last night, western toilets are particularly well-suited for throwing up in. Way better than a hole in the ground or something. So, now you have that to add to your blessings list.
Toilet paper holder
Let's zero right in on the raison d'etre for this little post, shall we? This is our toilet paper holder. As you may be able to glean, our loo is quite wee. Which is fine, actually -- though it can become quite a party in there when potty training or teeth brushing, or really any time -- it's also a *breeze* to clean. It is, however, so small that there's not much room for a toilet paper holder. I mentioned this in our first and only rundown on this tiny space, and we solved the issue for a long time with an over-the-tank roll holder.
Over-the-tank toilet paper holder
That involved a fair amount of twisting and turning, which is maybe not so nice to ask of our guests, and was definitely a lot to ask of our newly trained (praise be!) toddler. So I hemmed. And I hawed. I thought about a lot of different options, and then, one day, I happened across our old vintage ladder. This ladder has done some heavy service in our apartment, including as a headboard...
And as a vertical herb garden...
But it had been retired to a closet for a bit. I was reluctant to get rid of it (I love its chippy awesomeness, and it was a gift from my ma), but I didn't really have a place for it, either. One day, it occurred to me that maybe I could DIY some sort of toilet paper roll contraption. Maybe from some spare wood? I'd seen some some ideas on Pinterest (see, e.g.), and my mind was humming. I came across the ladder shortly afterward, and a dim, diminutive light bulb went off. I thought I could easily staple some canvas into loops onto one of its rungs, through which (the loops) I could thread a dowel to act as a toilet paper roll holder. But then, how to position the ladder? There's obviously no room in the bathroom. Then another, slightly higher wattage bulb went off, and I realized I could make use of the back of the door. I actually had some over the door hooks that came with a mirror, so I screwed those on, hung the thing, and let it sit, sorta ugly, while I figured out what else we might want to hang there.
Loofahs, a hand towel and some reading material made the cut, for now. The baskets are all just hung on some 's' hooks. Gosh, I love 's' hooks. One of these days, I'm going to devote a post just to them.
You can see that the toilet paper is hung at just the right height. You close the door and voila! There's toilet paper! Right in *front* of you. Of course, you can see that I changed out the shower curtain and bathroom rug over the course of this little adventure. One of these days, I'll take updated shots of the tiny bathroom. We manage to cram a lot in there without it being too cramped, I think. So that's it! Have you ever gotten creative with toilet paper hanging? Do tell!