Washi Tape Journal Update
I know, I know. The rest of the world did washi tape back when the bootleg jeans comeback was still unthinkable and dismantling the EPA was just a gleam in Scott Pruitt's eye. But you know how I like my trends - safely proven as worth trying, once every single other person on the planet - or at least on Pinterest - has given it a go.
Washi Tape Collection
Like any self-respecting blogger, I have plenty of washi tape. In particular, I love this Indigo Washi Tape Tube by Recollections, which I picked up at Michaels a while ago. You an see all the pretty, coordinating patterns above, plus some other faves. Weirdly, I didn't get my birch tape in here, but it's similar to this, and I ADORE it. Recently, I started taking notes in this Very Plain white notebook, and it occurred to me that it could use some pattern. That's the notebook, in the above photo. I don't have a "before" pic, but it was a plain white notebook, so... Anyway, I loved the result of layering in some coordinating washi and birch tape so much -- like, ridiculously much -- that I was spurred on to make the same moves with some other things. Like the pictured clothes pins, which are magnetic, and awesome for hanging things up...but have kinda obnoxious and useless words emblazoned on them. (Really: Why would I hang something up to ignore it? Just stop). But the clothes pins are, as I say, dead useful, so I cut a few snips from my coordinating washi tape, and about 4.5 seconds later, had these adorable things.
Washi Tape Magnet Update
So cute, right? So perfect for my magnetic memo board? Again, about five seconds. And easily removable. Same goes for the large white tray I've been using to ground objects, and though the original floral pattern is lovely, it was looking a little worse for the wear.
More washi tape to the rescue! I chose a white based tape with echoes of Shibori, and I unscientifically applied a bunch of strips while inhaling Jane the Virgin. (The best show on television. No spoilers, please. Not all the way through Season 4 as of this writing).
Washi Tape Tray Update
I didn't stress about perfectly lining up the edges of the pattern or anything, figuring that the more organic feel of it was true to the Shibori homage.
I mean! Understated, not too busy, and a completely reversible little update that I am DIGGING. Moving on:
Can't stop, won't stop. Once I had the washi tape out, it was clear that every surface of my house needed a little jolt of navy. These boxes, which were sucking light and joy out of our souls? (Not to mention, the cylindrical one says "mail," and I use it for other items, so that had to be remedied).
I'm pretty crazy about how the lidded box in particular turned out. To make applying the washi tape easy, I unscrewed the hinges and latch, applied the tape, and then replaced the hardware. Looks like a professional job, eh?
Washi Tape Updates for Boxes
So yeah -- there's a fun, easy project for you -- or the kids -- that lets you customize things you already have lying around, but involves minimal effort. I get that it seems a little hokey. Or maybe crafty for crafty's sake? But it's letting me love things I already have lying around. I use all of the items I've be-washi'd here, and see them often. And without spending much, or sending anything to the landfill, I've made myself a little happier every time I come across one. That, friends, is washi for the win. So tell me, have you been wishi-washi lately? Cover anything good?
Talk soon,